Terms of Service

Prohibited Content

We do not allow images that depict nudity, racism, bestiality, pornography, or other illegal content. If you do upload anything that violates these terms, expect the image(s) to be deleted and for you to be banned from uploading and viewing any further images.

Not Family Safe Upload

We wanted to keep Add.Pics as family-friendly as possible. Adult content is strictly prohibited, while the "Not Family Safe Upload" option is used for uploading non-adult contents such as bikini shots or revealing pictures. These are contents that you would not normally open at work or in front of your family but that are not necessarily adult in nature.

Image Storage

All images uploaded are stored for life and are free. However, images that do not conform to our terms of service will be removed immediately.

DMCA and Copyright

We respect the original owners' copyright and will respond to valid DMCA takedown notices of alleged copyright infringement. Our response to valid takedown notices will be to remove the infringing material at the earliest possible opportunity.

Misuse of Service

While we offer our service without any limits, any methods to abuse our service will not be allowed, and any account or IP engaging in abuse will be banned.

More Help

If you need more help regarding our terms of service, please contact us using the contact us page.

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